5 Steps to Build your Foundations for Success

Are you tired, stressed, anxious, worried or overwhelmed by it all?

Do you feel as though your glass is half empty and yet you continue to keep pouring from this cup that is only half full?

I ask you to step back and have an honest look at your life and ask if you have the foundations set up so that you can fill your glass and allow all the excess water to cascade over the edge and fill up everyone else’s cup when you glass is standing tall.

If you are any of the above then I say this info is for you. Get the foundations of your life strong and stable and then you are ready to tackle life with strength, clarity, confidence and energy to be use your superpowers.

  • Get healthy

~ Practice gratitude – DAILY and with the emotion behind it. Make space to do this in the morning and in the evening. It is proven to have massive benefits

~ Hydrate – Drink water and flush out your body. Keep that system moving and your juices flowing!

~ Clean your food up – even if you eliminate one rubbish thing for 30 days. It sends an awesome message to your brain that you are in charge and you mean business. Maybe it is chips, chocolate, lollies, bread… mine was the after dinner snack when the kids went to bed- still have to keep a rein on that baby when I’m tired. . 

~ Move your body – It is something like 97% of high performers have some form of movement in their lives at least 5 days a week. Now I don’t suggest you go out and do cross-fit or run a marathon, pick something that you enjoy, you can make time for in your schedule of you day and will do consistently. If you have never done any movement then start with steps. Simple and easy to slot in throughout your day when you make a conscious choice. 

~ Wake up earlier – (see below in establish routines that serve) make time for you before anyone else gets up set your routine that makes you more productive for the rest of the day. If you are woken by the kids then this can create more chaos. So I recommend that you rise earlier and get a mourning ritual that sets you up for success. E.g. meditation/hypnosis – gratitude journaling – mental rehearsal of your goal for the day – yoga or a walk – maybe a quiet coffee or raw juice to start you off. 

  • Get your personal space in order
Make room to let in the new!

The image of the world around you is a reflection of the world inside you. What does your world look like to you? Maybe you can clean up your emotions, cupboard, wallet, draws and any other area of your life that is in chaos. Ask for help or outsource if this is too much (get a cleaner, a VA, a coach or a babysitter).

I’d like to suggest that you create a challenge for yourself to clean out one thing every day for 30 days and notice how your world changes. Get the whole family involved – Remember step by step!

  • Build a great tribe – 

You are a combination of the 5 people you hang around the most. Their words, their ideals, their beliefs, their passion, their behaviours… are the five people you spend the most time with outside your children people who you look up to or who you aspire to be like or want to adopt some part of their philosophy on life? If not find them and love them and support them, for what you will receive in return (unconsciously)  will be outstanding. 

  • Develop great habits/routines – STOP multitasking – 

Multitasking is not something that gets your life in order. I learnt that the hard way – after trying to run my biz, work part time and be a super awesome amazing mum and housewife all at once was not possible… doing my Mum tasks and my work tasks at the same time lead to less connection with my boys and less quality input into my business and a whole lot of stress and overwhelm… 

Your brain is not designed to do this. It is designed to work on one task at a time. When you have all your browsers open your mind is actually flitting from one task to the next. Allocate the time and only devote that set period to that one task. If something vital interrupts and needs doing (aka hangry children) then park that task and come back to it asap or set a boundary with the other task. I work in 25 minute blocks (then 5 minute movement or washing break) on one task and bust my butt to get it done and the results are soooo much better. I get more done and quicker each time.

  • Establishing routines that serves

Routine are habits at their best. A morning routine, an afternoon routine, a bedtime routine, a work routine…it doesn’t matter. Our days are filled with routines from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. Now you may say “Mine is all over the place!” Great! Make a new one that IS IN PLACE. 

E.g. What is your morning routine? Chaos with a little bit of order sprinkled over the top or chaos with a little more mayhem to start your day. The first 90 minutes of your day will set the scene for the day ahead. If you say you have no time then make it. Get up a little earlier and go to bed a little earlier so that you can make it productive and conducive to you having a super awesome day and giving you the headspace to handle whatever comes your way. Ahhhh …that sounds like a great idea doesn’t it…

Now you have the tools to work with to make the foundations of your life strong, stable and confident.

Go forth and make each one a new habit! The choice is yours – Do them all at once, or pick one each week to add to your life until it is an unconscious habit.

Remember every step counts!

How to change your habits

Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
― Gandhi

Do you have a habit you could do without or you’d like to add in?

YES! Great! You are on your way to achieving that just by acknowledging it.

What is a habit? 

It is a program running in our unconscious mind without conscious thought being given to it. They are behaviour patterns that once run through enough times they occur automatically. Exciting news for us! This means we can change any habit we want!

Simple – YES!

How do habits work?

1. Trigger – First there is a trigger (emotional state, a thought, a belief, a moment in our day)

2. Routine – Next the trigger leads to the routine (coffee, alcohol, food, yelling…)

3. Reward – Then you get the reward you want (avoidance, feel happy, safe, relaxed, calmer, peaceful, satisfied, content, in control, the boss)

How to change this at home

1. Identify the behaviour or habit you want to change – too many coffees, yelling, eating, drinking, procrastinating…

2. Identify the trigger – What is it that sets the routine into motion. the little snippet before you begin your routine? Is it an emotion, a thought, a belief, a word? Take note each time the unwanted behaviour appears and jot down what triggers it each time. E.g you go to the fridge to look for something to eat. Are you stressed, overwhelmed, angry or believe you aren’t good enough to do the task you are doing, avoidance of a task…

3. Identify the routine (what is it you do habitually) when the trigger is set off what is your automatic response to the situations. That is the routine. the routine behaviour that you are looking to change. What would you like to do or want to do instead?

4. Identify the reward – What reward do you get from doing that habit? Does it serve you? Is it what you consciously what you want to happen or is it just something that you have been doing since you were little? What other way can you get that reward?

5. Now you can consciously change the pattern to what YOU now want to happen instead. You can release the trigger, change the routine and change the reward. DO this over and over again until the is the new norm. Then…Poof! there is your new habit.

TIP: Find some accountability.Have a friend, rello, family or coach help keep you accountable while you implement the change. who knows it may be fun! Accountability helps keep you motivated, on track and help stop the procrastination! 

Remember that creating a new habit can take time if you are doing it on your own. Be conscious of your behaviour and be kind to yourself while you develop the new habit. 

Remember you’ve got this! 

What habits do you want to create? 

What’s holding you back? Is it this?

You see others reach their goals. You put in twice as much effort and work as hard as they do. Yet, you’re struggling with achieving your business or life goals.

You may also know exactly the goals that you want to reach, and for a moment, it seems that you’re finally getting there. But then… you find yourself or your business getting stuck in a rut. You feel that you’re not getting anywhere. Something seems to be getting in the way…

It may be your limiting beliefs that are holding you back from reaching your full potential.

Limiting beliefs are those false or negative assumptions that you may have acquired throughout your life from the people around you or from your own experiences. These limiting beliefs are so ingrained in your unconscious mind that you think something can’t be done, or you can’t have something, or that you can’t be someone successful.

Your limiting beliefs will affect your behaviour and you will tend to filter out information based on your limiting beliefs. For instance, some friends have told you that you will fail in your business because of stiff competition in the industry. If you believe that this is true, then you will filter out all those people who are saying that you can have an amazing business because of your passion and drive to help people.

Only when you get rid of your limiting beliefs will you be able to achieve the things you want to achieve and have the business and life that you’ve always wanted.

As one best-selling author encourages us, “You begin to fly when you let go of self-limiting beliefs and allow your mind and aspirations to rise to greater heights”.

So, rise above your limiting beliefs to reach greater heights. Here are some tips to get you started on your journey.

Let go of negativity

You are about to talk to a large crowd. But then you get all queasy and nervous. You start thinking, “I can’t do this. I’m bad at this.” Stop right there.

Don’t let your negative belief get to you. Instead, take a deep breath to calm yourself. Then go out there and do the thing you’re passionate about: helping and inspiring people to be the best that they can be.

This may just be one example of a negative belief that may be holding you back.

Write it all down

You think that an area in your business or life is in a rut?

Get a piece of paper and a pen, or your laptop. Then write down all your thoughts about that area. What can move me forward? What can I do to reach my goals? What obstacles must I overcome?

Negative beliefs will start to become evident. Write them down, too, and write a positive belief to replace the negative.

Don’t let your limiting beliefs stop you from reaching your full potential and live your dreams. Let us help you identify and overcome your limiting beliefs. Come along to our Mega Event called “Take Control Of Your Business and Life”. For the first time, our Mega Event will be held in Tamworth this June 22nd and 23rd. Book your tickets now and join us in transforming your business and life.

Until next time…

It’s yours to keep!

Take time to ignite and discover

He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still. ~ By  Lao-Tau

What is the one thing you have which you give away too often? 

No….not time or energy or love

That’s right! Your Personal Power.

We all have it, but what do we do with it? Do we not even realise we possess it? Do we give it away? Do we nurture and care for it?

Good question…

This is one of the things that we have that none can take away. We hold the magic within to master our own personal power. It is an interesting concept to contemplate.

I believe that TRUE personal power comes from within and we can never explore it too much.

There are all sorts of varying definitions of personal power, however, in my field it is openly defined as the ability to take actions and get results. It is an inner strength and confidence that carries you forward through the challenging times and life balance.

In life, it is the ability to stand up and take ownership over the things that you can control vs blaming others. It cannot be given or gifted to you in any form of promotion, praise or acknowledgement. True personal power is obtained by going within, discovering, utilising and nurturing the ability to make choices which enable us to own our power.  

Owning your personal power gives you credibility to be successful. When we are searching for who we are and where we fit in this world, it is important to own our personal power and be consciously aware of when and how we use it.

Having personal power gives you confidence and courage in work, family, social settings and life in general.

It allows you to stand up for yourself, negotiate for yourself, demonstrate your strength while admitting when you’re wrong. It takes power to allow yourself to be vulnerable and compassionate without losing yourself in the process. ~ Bonnie Marcus (Forbes)

We have absolutely have great news for you! We all have personal power. The trick is to keep it,  nurture it and own it.

What in the world are you talking about Katie!?

Well our power is ours to keep, maintain and develop. If you implement these three principles and allow them to stay in your conscious awareness then you are in an amazing place on your personal development journey.

Let’s briefly look into these.

Keeping our power is as simple as ensuring you don’t hand it over to others. Let me give you an example. I’m certain that you have meet people who talk about how someone drives them crazy at work, if your husband is in a bad mood then the rest of my day is done, I had no choice but to say yes or she started it. This is giving your power away to others when it is ours to have. You are allowing someone else to take ownership over you and just simply handing them the keys.

Colin Cox quotes ‘Someone can only drive you crazy if you give the the keys.’

Maintaining our personal power by nurturing it! Which means using it and exercising it in a way that empowers us and those around us. This can be as simple as recognising when and where you are using or not using it. Remember bringing something to your awareness is powerful in itself. But it is also about being kind to yourself – no-one is happy and perfect all the time – thats reality. SO be kind if you catch yourself off course because it is a muscle you need to keep using to make it stronger.

Developing it by challenging ourselves and through personal growth and development. The beauty about our personal power is it is only as powerful as you allow it to be. Once you start using your personal power to empower yourself and those around you your unconscious mind will eagerly seek it out! That’s when you feel the power lasting power. Enjoy the growth and challenges that arise and see then all as opportunities to grow and learn o this life journey.

Over the next few posts we’ll be diving into the practical ways that you can start to enhance your personal power and ignite the truth about who you are and where you are heading.

It is a liberating process and so powerful to ignite the change within and become the change you are seeking.

Keep Driving your Personal Power!